Diabetes Friendly

Dairy Free Coffee Creamer

Homemade, dairy-free coffee creamer leaves out the flavorings, hydrogenated oils, sugar, carageenan, and other ingredients that can cause inflammation, weight gain, and other health issues.

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Asian-ish Broccoli Slaw

This Asian-ish broccoli slaw is one of my favorite make-ahead recipes. The longer it sits together, the more the flavors meld together and the broccoli softens.

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Taco Seasoning Blend

I usually make a bulk recipe to this Taco Seasoning Blend and store it for a quick way to add flavor, boost health, and make yumminess at home.

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Vegan Green Pea Pesto

PESTO is one of my favorite condiments! Not only can the ingredients support wellness, but the flavor is full bodied, and the recipe is widely versatile.

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The Wellness Kitchenista, Jessica DeLuise, MHS, , PA-C, CCMS

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