Dairy Free Coffee Creamer

I LOVE creamy coffee. LOVE. LOOVVEEE. I just do. But, here’s the thing … coffee “creamers” can have flavorings, hydrogenated oils, sugar, carageenan, and other ingredients that I’m just not okay with AND can cause inflammation and weight gain.


  • 4 cups almonds, soaked overnight (minimum 4 hours)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tsp good quality vanilla
  • 1 tsp stevia, I like Sweet Leaf brand
  • 1/16 tsp sea salt or pink salt


  • Soak almonds for 2-3 hours in 6 cups filtered water. Rinse. Soak in 6 cups NEW water for 2-4 hours.
  • Set up a nut bag or cheese cloth inside a strainer. Set the strainer over a large bowl so liquid drains into the bowl.
  • One cup at a time, add almonds AND water to the food processor and process.
  • Once the nuts process into a fine pulp, pour the contents of the food processor over the cheese cloth/ nut bag and let them drain into the bowl.
  • Continue until all nuts are processed.
  • Squeeze the cloth/ bag tight to rain as much liquid out as possible!
  • What comes out is almond milk!!!
  • Let sit for 1-2 hours and then give more squeezes until all liquid comes out.
  • * DO NOT DISCARD THE ALMOND PULP!!! Check out my almond pulp carrot cake.
  • To finish the Creamer, whisk in vanilla, stevia, melted coconut oil, and salt.
  • Whisk vigorously as to emulsify the coconut oil. This will thicken the creamer.
  • Stays for 2 weeks in the fridge!

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The Wellness Kitchenista, Jessica DeLuise, MHS, , PA-C, CCMS

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