Watermelon Sherbet

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Creamy and Mar-Del-icious!!!


  • 6 cups Mar-Del watermelon, cubed and frozen
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 orange, juiced
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk or milk of choice
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Toppings as desired


  • Add citrus juice, watermelon, vanilla, and HALF of the coconut milk to a food processor or blender. 
  • Pulse / process until combined and smooth.
  • Add more coconut milk as needed, until desired creaminess is achieved. 
  • Serve and eat immediately. 
  • If you have extra, store in a freezer-safe container. When you would like to enjoy the sherbet again, remove from the freezer and allow to thaw for about 15 minutes at room temp before scooping/eating. I like to freeze in individual servings so that I am not thawing the entire batch each time. I use mason jars with my recap lids.
  • Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

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The Wellness Kitchenista, Jessica DeLuise, MHS, , PA-C, CCMS

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