Soak almonds for 2-3 hours in 6 cups filtered water. Rinse. Soak in 6 cups NEW water for 2-4 hours.
One cup at a time, add almonds AND water to the food processor and process.
Once the nuts process into a fine pulp, pour the contents of the food processor over the cheese cloth/ nut bag and let them drain into the bowl.
Continue until all nuts are processed.
Squeeze the cloth/ bag tight to rain as much liquid out as possible!
What comes out is almond milk!!!
Let sit for 1-2 hours and then give more squeezes until all liquid comes out.
To finish the Creamer, whisk in vanilla, stevia, melted coconut oil, and salt.
Whisk vigorously as to emulsify the coconut oil. This will thicken the creamer.
Stays for 2 weeks in the fridge!